Man’s Instinct Saves Four Puppies Abandoned in Plastic Tote Under the Sun

Four puppies who were abandoned inside a plastic storage box on a hot day were luckily rescued thanks to someone trusting their gut feeling.

“One of our community members found them near a bridge. We are so grateful he looked inside the plastic tote bin when he had a gut feeling something was off,” a spokesperson for the Brother Wolf Animal Rescue told Newsweek.

According to the Facebook post, upon the discovery, one of the pups looked up. “It felt like he was asking, ‘Are you going to help us? I don’t feel so good,'” said the shelter.

The shelter based in Asheville, North Carolina, has no idea why the pups were abandoned and named them Clubs, Diamonds, Spades and Hearts after a deck of cards, since luck was on their side.

Exposure to heat can be fatal for dogs, according to the Humane Society. Extreme temperatures can lead to heatstroke which presents itself through heavy panting, glazed eyes, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing and excessive thirst —to name a few.

“They are doing fantastic now! After recovering from severe dehydration and an upper respiratory infection, they are feeling much better. They are sweet and cuddly pups who love to play,” the shelter said.

The four abandoned dogs.

The four abandoned dogs. One of the pups lifted its head as if to ask for help when they were found. BROTHER WOLF ANIMAL RESCUE/BROTHER WOLF ANIMAL RESCUE


All the canine babies have a similar reddish-brown coloration. The pooches—three males and one female—are now looking for new forever homes.

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), around 6.3 million pets go into animal shelters every year, 3.1 million of these animals are dogs.

In 2023, Brother Wolf Animal Rescue gave 1,585 animals new happy homes, with 686 dog adoptions in total.

As with many shelters across the country, the center is overwhelmed and in desperate need of foster carers to help look after animals until they are permanently homed.

The four abandoned dogs.

The four abandoned dogs. Diamonds and her brothers are doing much better now. BROTHER WOLF ANIMAL RESCUE/BROTHER WOLF ANIMAL RESCUE


Social media users shared their strong reactions to the abandonment of the dogs.

“Thank you for the love and care! Humans are sometimes unbelievable,” Lisa Cunningham Black said,

“Thank you for saving them. What beautiful dogs,” Marianne Monoc said.

“Breaks my heart! How could anyone do this? Look at that little face – so thankful that BWAR has them,” Kathy Elleburg Tinsley said.

“Omg I want them all. How awful, thank you for helping you are an angel,” Janice Flatt added.

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